Thursday, December 27, 2012

What are our options in Canada?...

   What the Reform Party achieved in respect to Canadian politics; was the organizational structures of the "grassroots" movement; having sufficient control over a resonating message designed to harness an overall feeling of Canadians not being "heard". It was the east against west mentality, and the notion of being forever saddled with a Liberal government spurred on the Conservative agenda to re-define itself. Reform-Conservative-Ultra-Right-consortium; pushed, dragged, bickered until some sort of cohesion ignited a permanent solution-that of Steven Harper. 
    Jean Chrétien is not a perfect man and as such not a perfect politician. Whatever personal views Chrétien might have had as a man, would certainly have permeated to some degree; into Liberal policies of the day. What strikes me as of paramount importance was the value attributed to Parliamentary protocols and procedures; and the enviable consequences of defending his-and his party's decisions to the Corps of the Canadian Press. Would the continuance of a Liberal Prime Minister ushered the degree of disillusionment and apathy currently among Canadians in general? I would venture a qualified "no".
    As Canadians we tend to distance ourselves from Americanisms; as latest figures of 2.5 billion dollars was spent by the Obama campaign of 2012. American elections is an exercise of projection, the ultimate prize at all cost. We smirk and doubt the legitimacy of statehood in the United-States; and yet we bemoan our inability to create a proper balance between federal/provincial responsibilities in which affect us all. It is this disconnect within our political entities and the absence of any uniform consensus; which make Canadians froth at the mouth.
    Recognition is one thing, acceptance is another. As disenchanted "we" may be with Harper's governance; political options seem to be unattractive and therefore not of "value". Where are Canadians expected to hang their "proverbial hat?" Is it a mere question of senate reform? Of representation by population? Allowing sovereignty-association in Québec?  Outcomes are many; as are consequences of any proposed changes in political structures. Canadians seem to have a clear understanding of what they want and do not want. What is less obvious is what they can live with and what they cannot. Individually we conform to our realities. We have minimum obligations to ourselves and to what values we choose to adopt. As a country, Canada is now at a "crosswords". Multiculturalism mandates a wide berth of patience and flexibility; federally and provincially speaking.
    Is the resolve  to make the necessary changes to our political systems strong enough? As Canadians; open rebellion against the rule of law has ceased long ago. We seem to contend ourselves with the sentiment that ultra-right agendas under Conservatism and the Prime Minister's Office is the preferred course of action; amid economic uncertainties. Or have we been convinced that no possible stewardship under either the Liberal or NDP could offer tangible solutions which resemble more closely to the people's will?  
    The repatriation of the Constitution in 1982 supposedly demonstrated Canada's level of maturity; it inferred that we had allotted ourselves enough time to have sufficiently "cleaned house"... We could reclaim our country founded on the ashes of colonialism, slavery, and imperialism....Or have we? It has been 30 years since Repatriation and still have major cultural and political challenges. John A. McDonald and Alexander McKenzie  seem to be beacons of Canadian pride and examples of  good governance to be admired and repeated. Repetitions which have continued to nullify the validity of First Nations treatises,  the intransigence of true multiculturalism, and the avoidance of past deeds made on behalf of future Canadians. Her foundations are not unblemished. The stains of cultural genocide of a People still lingers and the cries of the French continue to clamor a dream. Those who emigrate to this country acclimatize themselves to this reality we call Canada. We welcome their wealth, knowledge, and potential as we discriminate was is foreign.We demand assimilation if it be contrary to pluralistic Canadian concepts. 
     A correction has to occur, we either suffer the consequences of 21st Conservative policies of Steven Harper or allow other political parties to lead and offer alternatives. New foundations can be built upon universal tenets we can all adopt; based on cooperation, partnerships and recognizing that the rights of the few out way the rights of the many.

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